Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan

Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan

Developing an imbalanced nutrition Nursing Care Plan is important for many reasons. This type of problem can be caused by eating less than your body needs, a lack of appetite, or a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, certain nutrients are not absorbed as well as others. Fortunately, there are ways to address these problems. Here are a few tips to help you create a nutritionally sound plan. Listed below are a few of the most common signs of imbalanced nutrition.

Less than body requirements

When writing a Nursing Care Plan for a patient with an imbalanced nutrition level, it is essential to group factors into major categories. In the case of an imbalanced nutrition level, these factors include a patient’s financial status, physical limitations, transportation restrictions, and chewing ability. Imbalanced nutrition may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, dry hair, and weight loss. Listed below are some examples of a nursing care plan for an individual with an imbalanced nutrition level.

Loss of appetite

Imbalanced nutrition is a major health care concern. Essentially, an imbalanced diet can result in a lack of certain nutrients or an overabundance of others. The results of an imbalanced diet are generally undesirable conditions and side effects, and can even lead to disease. Evidence-based nursing practice requires understanding of which food groups are necessary and which are not. The nutrient content of a patient’s diet should be monitored to detect the cause and correct any imbalances.

Sedentary lifestyle

Having a sedentary lifestyle may be more than just a matter of habit. It can lead to a weakened immune system, poor sleep, and other related health problems. However, there are many nursing care interventions that can help address this condition. These interventions can include more than just a nutrition plan. Listed below are a few of the most important considerations to keep in mind when creating a nursing care plan for a sedentary person.

Inability to absorb certain nutrients

Nutritional imbalance occurs when the body does not receive the proper amount of certain nutrients, and this can lead to serious health problems and make underlying medical conditions worse. The NANDA nursing diagnosis Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements describes nutritional deficiency as a secondary consequence of several medical conditions. Some medications can cause nutritional imbalances, too. For these reasons, it is important to identify the cause and start treatment early.


Imbalanced nutrition may be a cause of abdominal pain, dry hair, and weakness. Other causes are social, physical, or psychological factors. In addition, a nursing care plan for imbalanced nutrition may need to include treatments for other medical conditions. These related factors are important to identify and treat the underlying condition. The following list presents some common treatments and approaches for imbalanced nutrition. Listed below are the most important.

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