Classification of Oral Hygiene Products
Oral hygiene products fall into three broad categories: Antiseptic, plaque-inhibiting, and preventive. Personal oral care products are categorized as preventive oral care products. Dental plaque-disclosing products are categorized as personal oral care products. The market for these products is projected to grow over the next decade. The report provides an overview of the market, including market growth, product types, and end users. It also identifies key competitors.
Antiseptic, plaque-inhibiting, and preventive mouthwashes
Many mouthwashes are categorized as antiseptic, plaque-inhibiting, or preventive, depending on their primary purpose. Antiseptics are those that prevent plaque from forming on tooth surfaces, while plaque-inhibiting mouthwashes block bacterial enzymes that are necessary for the development of dental plaque. Plaque-inhibiting mouthwashes can also help prevent tooth decay by inhibiting the production of glucan, which is the building block of gum disease.
These products are more popular than ever, and they can be effective if used correctly. While … Read more ... “Classification of Oral Hygiene Products”