Cardiovascular Exercise And Your Kids

When you were a kid, did your parents ever tell you to go outside and play? That wasn’t just idle advice—they were right! Exercise has many benefits for children and teens, including better heart health and stronger bones. In this post, we’ll explore how cardiovascular exercise can help keep kids healthy and happy as they grow up.

Cardiovascular exercise is any activity that raises your heart rate.

Cardiovascular exercise is any activity that raises your heart rate. You can measure your pulse by placing two fingers on the inside of your wrist and counting how many times it beats in a minute.

Your heart rate tells you how fast or slow your body needs to work to stay healthy, so it’s important to know what yours is when you’re exercising. If you don’t have a friend who knows how to check for a pulse oximeter (a device used by doctors), … Read more ... “Cardiovascular Exercise And Your Kids”