Tips For Skin Care During The Holidays

Tips For Skin Care During The Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration and family, but it can also be stressful and tiring. Between parties and shopping, the last thing you want to worry about is how your skin looks.

Luckily, I’ve got some tips to keep your skin looking fresh and healthy all season long! Here they are:

It’s that time of year again. The holidays are in full swing.

It’s that time of year again. The holidays are in full swing, and you’re probably feeling the stress. It’s important to keep your skin healthy during this time of year, but it can be difficult if you’re not prepared. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Make sure to get enough sleep! You may be tempted to stay up late at night while everyone else is out having fun, but getting enough rest is essential for keeping your skin looking great. If possible, try going to bed early and waking up early so that you have plenty of time to take care of yourself before anyone else wakes up or comes home from work/school/etc., which will allow them more time to focus on themselves as well as any guests who might visit them during this busy season (and who could use some pampering).
  • Eat healthy foods! Don’t forget about nutrition–it matters just as much as hydration does when it comes down here! And remember: no matter how busy things get around here sometimes…there’s always room for dessert 🙂

Winter weather, holiday parties and getting together with family can take a toll on your skin.

Winter weather, holiday parties and getting together with family can take a toll on your skin. The cold weather can dry it out, while the holidays are often filled with stress and tension. And we don’t even have to mention the food!

The good news is that there are steps you can take to protect yourself from these effects during this busy time of year. Here are some suggestions:

Here are some tips to help keep your skin looking its best this holiday season:

Here are some tips to help keep your skin looking its best this holiday season:

  • Wash your face twice a day. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser and pat dry with a towel, rather than rubbing or scrubbing. This will minimize the chance of irritation and redness.
  • Use sunscreen every day and reapply it as needed throughout the day, even if you’re indoors most of the time!
  • Exfoliate twice weekly using either an exfoliating scrub or mask (we recommend our Brightening Peel Mask), which will help remove dead skin cells that could clog pores and cause breakouts on top of any breakouts caused by stress during this busy time of year!
  • Get enough sleep–try going to bed early so that you are well rested before heading out into public where everyone else may be tired too but looks like they’ve had eight cups of coffee instead!!

1. Keep it clean! Wash your face twice a day with gentle cleanser to remove makeup and dirt. Use warm water and pat dry with a soft towel to open pores.

  • Keep it clean! Wash your face twice a day with gentle cleanser to remove makeup and dirt. Use warm water and pat dry with a soft towel to open pores.
  • Moisturize! Apply a light moisturizer after you wash your face in the morning and again at night, before going to bed. Look for products that are gentle on your skin type (e.g., sensitive or acne-prone).

2. Don’t forget sunscreen! Sunscreen doesn’t just protect your skin from sun damage but also helps protect against wrinkles and age spots. Get a moisturizer with SPF 30 or higher to protect all year long!

  • Don’t forget sunscreen! Sunscreen doesn’t just protect your skin from sun damage but also helps protect against wrinkles and age spots. Get a moisturizer with SPF 30 or higher to protect all year long!
  • If you’re going to be out in the sun for more than 15 minutes at a time, be sure to reapply your sunscreen every two hours or so (and after swimming).
  • Don’t forget lips! Lips are often neglected when it comes to skin care but they need protection too–especially during winter months when they can chap easily due to dry air indoors combined with cold temperatures outdoors (or both!). Use lip balm that contains SPF 20+ on top of any other lip products such as chapstick or lipstick/gloss/liner etc…

3. Embrace exfoliation! Exfoliate twice weekly by using a scrub or mask once a week.

Exfoliation is an important part of skin care, and it’s something you should be doing on a regular basis. We recommend exfoliating twice weekly by using a scrub or mask once a week.

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, allowing other products to penetrate more deeply into the layers of your epidermis. This can help with acne by reducing clogged pores and improving circulation in the area surrounding them, which can reduce inflammation and redness associated with breakouts. Additionally, exfoliation improves overall texture by getting rid of rough patches and helping new cells grow more evenly across your face (or wherever else you choose).

If you decide not to use any type of physical exfoliant during this time period–for example because they’re too harsh for sensitive areas like around lips–then consider using chemical peels instead! Chemical peels are gentler than physical ones but still effective at removing dead cells while giving new ones room to grow healthily without clogging pores up again…

4. Sleep like an angel! Getting enough sleep is important for healthy skin – lack of sleep can make you break out more often and cause dark circles under the eyes . Try taking naps during the day if you can’t manage eight hours at night!

  • Sleep like an angel! Getting enough sleep is important for healthy skin – lack of sleep can make you break out more often and cause dark circles under the eyes . Try taking naps during the day if you can’t manage eight hours at night!

If you’re not getting enough rest, here are some tips:

  • Find a comfortable place to sleep in your home (maybe it’s on the couch or bed)
  • Make sure your room is cool, dark and quiet when it’s time for bedtime

Take care of yourself, especially when it comes to your skin!

  • Wash your face.
  • Use sunscreen.
  • Exfoliate, but not too much!
  • Get enough sleep!

Take care of yourself, especially when it comes to your skin!

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