4 Effective Ways to Increase Energy and Lose Weight
If you’re looking to gain a little pep in your step, there are a few supplements that you should take a look at.
Cordyceps – One of the keys to increasing strength, building lean muscle and just feeling energetic is having adequate amounts of testosterone. One way to maintain this balance is by seeking out products containing cordyceps.
What is it? Cordyceps is an extract from a fungus that grows on insects like catepillars and ants… I know what you’re thinking, why in the heck do I want to take anything that comes from a fungus on an insect? Just hear me out.
What does it do? It helps maintain levels of hormones, such as testosterone; increases the body’s resistance to stress; improves cholesterol levels; regulates insulin release; increases energy and mental focus. If those aren’t enough to change your mind about fungus, I don’t know what is.